Latest update from the Directors 11th May 2020

Hi everyone

I do hope you are well and continue to be safe with your families.

After the speech last night (Sunday the 10th of May) we have some sort of indication as to when we may be able to re-open.

June the 1st would appear to be the earliest date we will be able to open our doors again, subject to the R number being less than 1.

As some of our parents/carers start returning to work we may get requests for childcare but at this moment in time we are still governed by the Key Worker and vulnerable child list. Until this is changed we will carry on as we are, open at Tynemouth Nursery at Billy Mill.

We do expect a lot more information to start coming out today and later on this week. We will keep you posted on how this effects us.

We are working on plans as to how we re-open and how we can make our workplace as safe as possible for staff, parents and children. We have our own ideas and we will be combining this with advice from the Dfe, Ofsted, Council, Management and all the many Nursery groups that collectively advise on things we will have to do and comply with.

Again a big thanks to those at Billy Mill and to everyone please rest assured we are continually monitoring and working on what we have to do to re-open safely, when we are able to.

Kindest regards

Robert and Kaye Kilsby