Happy 100th birthday Captain Tom!
Captain Tom had a very fitting special birthday present today, being promoted to the rank of honorary colonel of the Army Foundation College. His birthday also will be marked with a Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flypast by a Spitfire and a Hurricaine above his Bedfordshire home.
The children of Key Workers at Billy Mill spent much time and love making birthday cards for Captain Tom and sent them along with 140,000 other cards, from people and children up and down the country, all who have taken Tom to their hearts for his amazing walk that raised millions of pounds for the NHS.
This made it all the more amazing when this responce came in this morning:
‘ Hi,
Just a note to say your cards have arrived and have been placed in the great hall with all the other birthday cards. My sister works at Bedford School and originally comes from Tynemouth, she couldn’t believe it when she opened your cards on Major Tom Moores behalf. As it is impossible to thank everyone who has sent cards she asked me to do it on her behalf. I still live in Tynemouth so I am delighted to email you and to thank the children.
Kindest Regards,
Veronica Holland’
Thank you so much Veronica for this message, I know it has made eveyone at Tynemouth Nursery at Billy Mill so happy on this very special day.
So from everyone at Tynmouth Nursery Group and Zone4kids, Happy Birthday Captain Tom, we salute you!